The annual Historically Black College and University Bus Tour exposes aspiring college students to the world of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in order to promote increased college attendance at these institutions of higher learning. Over 10 original partner HBCUs from Pennsylvania to Georgia are visited throughout the tour, and the majority of these institutions become the future academic homes of our college tour participants. Currently the tours service interested candidates in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Candidates are required to attend a series of preparatory workshops to strengthen their prospects for college admission.


  1. ACT/SAT Preparation
  2. Financial Aid & Scholarships Resources
  3. College Essay and the Academic Resume
  4. Interview Skills, Dress for Success
  5. College Orientation


The outreach spans to high school administrators, principals and educational leaders throughout New York and New Jersey. If you are an administrator and would like to share this opportunity with your school, please contact us.

HBCU Partner Schools

Clark Atlanta University

Hampton University

Howard University

Lincoln University

Morehouse College

Morgan State University

Norfolk State University

North Carolina A&T State University

Saint Augustine’s University

Spelman College

Virginia State University

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