Our scholars and graduates are talented, resilient and diverse, assuming leadership roles on and off campus and in their professions, and collectively, contribute nearly 4000 hours of their time annually to giving back to their communities.

The SCSF attracts candidates from all backgrounds, nation-wide. They all have a compelling desire to pursue higher education, in spite of many personal, socio-economic setbacks. Some come from single parent households and some are single parents themselves, some have grown in the foster care system or have faced homelessness, many are raising younger siblings or providing care for a family member with mental or physical health challenges, some have been victims of abuse, and the majority come from families that are simply trying to make ends meet due to poverty. 

They are hardworking, resilient and determined individuals who want to make positive contributions to their local and global communities, and they turn to the SCSF to make their ambitions and dreams possible.

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“The SCF made me believe anything is possible because although I was denied many scholarships in the past, I was ecstatic once I received my scholarship with SCF. ”


“This organization did more than make sure that I became a first-generation college graduate for my family. It empowered me to remember that I am worthy and deserving of the chances that everyone else may be afforded simply because they are what the world considers normal.”

Naje J.

“Being an exemplar of the motto “lift as we climb” is what I think it truly means to be a SCF Scholar. It is important that as a minority student, I can show others that the success I will reach is possible.”


“Were it not for the generosity and inspiration of the Shawn Carter Foundation, the scholarship, Hon. Dr. Gloria Carter, Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, and the entire SCF staff over the years, I can honestly say that I would not be the man I am today”


“The SCF made me believe anything is possible because although I was denied many scholarships in the past, I was ecstatic once I received my scholarship with SCF. ”


“This organization did more than make sure that I became a first-generation college graduate for my family. It empowered me to remember that I am worthy and deserving of the chances that everyone else may be afforded simply because they are what the world considers normal.”

Naje J.

Being an exemplar of the motto “lift as we climb” is what I think it truly means to be a SCF Scholar. It is important that as a minority student, I can show others that the success I will reach is possible. 


“Were it not for the generosity and inspiration of the Shawn Carter Foundation, the scholarship, Hon. Dr. Gloria Carter, Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, and the entire SCF staff over the years, I can honestly say that I would not be the man I am today”